Saturday, January 23, 2010

God's Gracious Gift

This is my four month old baby... This baby is the most amazing, wonderful and gracious gift to me by God... The first time I saw the figure my heart swelled up with joy and happiness... I was thinking, this is my baby and I will do everything in my power to make everything well, to be deserving of this kind of gift.

To my dearest baby,

You have changed my life in so many different ways today. You are worth all of the sacrifices and all of the things I've been through. I will never regret choosing you over my own happiness. You are and will forever be among the best thing life has given me. You are my own personal miracle. You don't even have to do anything to give me so much happiness except to beat your heart. Soon you will be moving your hands and your feet. You have no idea how much I am looking forward on meeting you, how excited I am to feel you in my arms, how I want to watch you sleep and to hear your soft breathing. You are the reason why I want to make things right and for me to be a better person.

The only thing I am scared of is to not being there for you. The only thing I am afraid of is when the time comes that I will not be there to protect you nor make you feel that I do not love you. I want you to know that loved you from the very first time I knew I will be having you. My whole being is over flowing with love that I have for you.

It will be just five months and I will be able to look into your face and thank God for each moment that I am blessed to have you in my life. I want you to know that God has been gracious to me that despite of all the shortcomings that I had He gave me the most precious gift which is you. I love you always and beyond forever.


My Secret Friend said...

Aww, such a beautiful gift indeed. God is wonderful.

Вадим said...


Hilary Chaney said...

Just wait til you lay eyes on your baby....what a moment. I’ve just started blogging about my own manic break and hospitalization. It’s about recovery and treatment, but more importantly about discovery of a new post-religion faith where there is no hell, no original sin, you are God, and heaven on earth is real, radiant and right around the corner. A wild and triumphant ride.